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Kendle's Auto Salvage & Sales JunkYard in Lincoln (NE)

Kendle's Auto Salvage & Sales JunkYard in Lincoln (NE)

Address: 1645 S 1st St, Lincoln, NE, United States
Phone: +1 402-477-9702
Services: Salvage yard
Methods of Payment:
  • Accepted Credit cards
  • Accepted Debit cards
  • Not accepted Cash only
Website: Website
ZIP Code: 68502
Open Hours: 8:30:00 AM - 5:30:00 PM

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24/7 Available

Free Towing and Same-Day Pick-Up Available

We Are Junk Car Buyers With Over 30 years in the Industry, Working Since 1992

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SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE! Price Quote Guaranteed Guaranteed icon
USA Nationwide service
Top Dollar Paid
for Your Vehicle!

Working time & Location

Friday 8:30:00 AM - 5:30:00 PM
Monday 8:30:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Sunday Closed
Tuesday 8:30:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Saturday 8:30:00 AM - 5:30:00 PM
Thursday 8:30:00 AM - 5:30:00 AM
Wednesday 8:30:00 AM - 5:30:00 AM

Zip Codes

  • 68528
  • 68524
  • 68526
  • 68520
  • 68521
  • 68522
  • 68516
  • 68510
  • 68512
  • 68506
  • 68507
  • 68504
  • 68505
  • 68502
  • 68503
  • 68508
  • 68509
  • 68529
  • 68542
  • 68544
  • 68583
  • 68588
  • 68514

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What clients say about Kendle's Auto Salvage & Sales in Lincoln (NE)

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Went and got head lights for my car today to save money. Kendall was definitely sure that the head lights worked. Well one work did and the other didn't so I call him back even tho I have a 30 warranty. He pretty much said I'm outta luck are you serious? Yah ok 👍 that's the last time I will ever go back there.

Quentis Davis

03/23/2024 21:01:38
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I went with my dad just to look and one of the guys let us in and let us look around then at the end we asked him if I could get a dodge badge and he said they don’t peel them off of cars but he took us to a dodge mini van and gave me the badge. They guy was so nice.

Box Fort Bros

03/31/2024 02:40:14
Quote icon

Earl & Bob are fantastic. This junk yard is full of amazing mechanic wonder. They take the personal time to get on line to check parts out, in which can identity other years or cars that carry that part. Expect to be asked the right questions to get the specific part. For example, some cars will have one part for a certain year. While other parts have one style the first 1/2 of the year, then switch the style of that same part the other 1/2 of the year. They give people the option to pull their own parts or they will pull them for added very fair extra price. Be aware that you are working on their time when they pull it. For example if you order a part, don't expect it to be ready in 5 minutes. I believe if they pull it, the general rule is to pay 1/2 now & the other 1/2 when the job is finished. Kendal does generally have a warranty. This may mean replacement of the part if all possible. They have been known to get online just for you in order to help you find a part somewhere else if they don't have it. Bob & Earl have an extreme insight into helping you get what you need for a very fair price. By the way, showing up at 5:25 pm and wanting the best service & expecting solutions when they close at 5:30 is unjust & not fair to the guys. Treating these guy's right is a priority because they go beyond the basic service.

vidda lute

07/06/2021 04:01:14
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