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George Smith Towing Inc. JunkYard in Philadelphia (PA)

George Smith Towing Inc. JunkYard in Philadelphia (PA)

Address: 3103 S 61st St, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Phone: +1 215-729-9100
Services: Towing service
Methods of Payment:
  • Accepted Credit cards
  • Accepted Debit cards
  • Not accepted Cash only
Website: Website
ZIP Code: 19153
Open Hours: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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We Are Junk Car Buyers With Over 30 years in the Industry, Working Since 1992

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Working time & Location

Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Zip Codes

  • 19154
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What clients say about George Smith Towing Inc. in Philadelphia (PA)

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The school allegedly either has a contract with George Smith’s towing or they’re getting kickbacks from them. My car was legally parked on Mifflin st for two hours from 7:45pm to 9:45pm. The school obviously closed allegedly has a rule that you cannot park in front of their supposed “driveway.” There is no driveway, there are no posted signs stating that there is a driveway, and where I was parked was a clear curb. I don’t know what cars the school has jumping a curb to drive into a park but I highly doubt they are doing so after hours. The only clearly marked signs are those that state “No Parking on School Days between 7am to 4:30pm.” I grew up in a major city, I know how to look for every LEGAL reason a city has to ticket and tow a car. There was nothing here stating this was a driveway. I was left on S 61st at night in 20 degree winter weather for the incompetent dispatcher to tell me I had to wait for a tow drive to potentially return so I can hand him $175 in cash. So you wanted me to stand there for God knows how long in the cold with a considerable amount of cash for what? Either the school is hurting for money or the tow company is broke and needs to make money. The pictures are blurry because my hands were freezing. My car was exactly where the black SUV is siting. The posted signs on the fence of the alleged driveway state “Cars Parked Illegally will be Towed” but yet I parked there outside of the posted times in a spot that is not a posted “driveway.” Not sure when a park became a driveway but then again the President is a convicted felon so I guess anything is possible now.


01/24/2025 17:11:47
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My car got towed overnight from home by this company so my boyfriend and I went to go pick it up in the morning after I realized it was gone. I called them beforehand just to make sure it did get towed and not stolen. The guy who answered the phone said they have it in their lot, I asked how much it was and he said it would be $205.00. I asked him how it costed that much and to break down the costs and he responded with “because that’s what we charge”. I didn’t mind paying for the towing fee, after all I shouldn’t have parked in that spot overnight. When I went to go pick it up, he only took cash and said just the driver is allowed around the back to get the car. I went to go grab it and my boyfriend noticed that the back right tire was flat. We asked what happened and the worker shrugged his shoulders and just told us all he did was get the car and said we could go across the street to get it fixed. Ofc we proceeded to ask more questions because it was perfectly fine last night, but the worker was clearly getting annoyed, he walked away and called my boyfriend a dick and was shouting back and forth with him. I told the worker that we’re just trying to be nice and figure it out. I asked him if there was anyone else we could speak to in which he responded with, “Well it’s Sunday. No one is working. We close at 4. It’s just me here, so no.” He then closed the gates on us and proceeded to shout over the gate cursing us out. Before you waste your time, it’s not worth calling the cops. We waited for 3 hours and no one came and we called to follow up with them 3 times. We took his car to go to the police station to file a report and they didn’t do anything but give us a “D.C. Number” for insurance. We called my insurance company and they basically said there’s no point since the damages are worth less than the deductible. We have reported this business to BBB, City of Philadelphia for Predatory Towing and the Attorney General’s Office. We just hope this place gets shut down for good, sorry to those going through the same thing with them! I understand it’s just a tire, but the damage was so unnecessary especially knowing that multiple people have the same experience with them.

Chantelle Riley

12/29/2024 23:43:59
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My car was held hostage by a driver that is a convicted felon; he illegally put my car on a tow truck despite not blocking anything, no sign, no ticket. He told me to get in the truck to go to an ATM - I said no. He offered venmo; which I did - not realizing I was being scammed. The amount of complaints that this company has on the Better Business Bureau, Attorney Generals office, etc - how are they still in business???

juliet lockhart

10/17/2024 11:48:56
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