Arrow Towing is a terrible towing company that works with Nordic Security to tow residents' vehicles from Belamaria neighborhood, if they're parked right in front of their own homes instead of just knocking on people's doors to have them move their cars, in UNMARKED UNPAINTED, NO SIGNAGE fire lanes (shared driveways are apparently considered fire lanes in California, which is news to me and I've lived in this neighborhood for four years!).
This tow cost me $350 for parking for 35 MINUTES directly in front of my front door, not blocking anyone in or out.
Our neighbors all park in front of their houses for short periods of time, so it really shocked and infuriated me that they towed me instead of knocking on my door to ask me to move it. If the concern was making sure the fire lane was clear, it would be so much faster to have the homeowner move the vehicle instead of taking the time to get a tow truck to move it.
Our HOA pays for Nordic Security, which is simply glorified parking enforcement. They're not actually there to prevent car prowlers or break-ins since they only drive through our neighborhoods twice a day, and it's really to give out parking violations and tow cars that are parked, even for one second, in thr shared driveways. It angers me even more that we're PAYING Nordic to have OUR cars towed. What on earth? Am I living in the Twilight Zone or something?
Now that I've been towed, I definitely have noticed SO many other vehicles being towed out of our neighborhood. It's an organized extortion! Luckily, my family can afford a ticket like that, but what about people who can barely make rent and are living paycheck to paycheck? Arrow Towing doesn't care about you or your situation, so do NOT patronize this thieving business that preys on unsuspecting drivers.
SHAME ON YOU, ARROW TOWING! A thousand curses on your business!