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Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 1
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 2
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 3
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 1
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 2
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 3
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 1
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 2
Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL) - photo 3

Walt's Wrecker Service JunkYard in Jacksonville (FL)

Address: 503 Ellis Rd N, Jacksonville, FL, United States
Phone: +1 904-389-6644
Services: Towing service
Methods of Payment:
  • Accepted Credit cards
  • Accepted Debit cards
  • Not accepted Cash only
Website: Website
ZIP Code: 32254
Open Hours: Open 24 hours

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24/7 Available

Free Towing and Same-Day Pick-Up Available

We Are Junk Car Buyers With Over 30 years in the Industry, Working Since 1992

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Walt's Wrecker Service offers dependable, affordable towing services in Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding area. From commercial truck towing to vehicle transport and recovery, put your automotive transport troubles in the experienced and very capable hands of Walt's Wrecker Service. Contact us to speak with a Jacksonville towing expert. At Walt's, we're always on call. 24 Hour Emergency Service Available.
SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE! Price Quote Guaranteed Guaranteed icon
USA Nationwide service
Top Dollar Paid
for Your Vehicle!

Working time & Location

Friday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours

Zip Codes

  • 32224
  • 32225
  • 32226
  • 32227
  • 32220
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  • 32246
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  • 32241
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  • 32247
  • 32255

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What clients say about Walt's Wrecker Service in Jacksonville (FL)

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I was helped by Jack today and he was very professional. The company is lucky to have him on their team. Thank you so much guys

Josemar Carmo

11/20/2024 21:49:52
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If I could go below a one I would. I have never been treated so bad in my life as I did with your employer working the counter. I'm assuming she got pissed at me because I keep saying yes ma'am and no ma'am. With my wife of 50 years in the hospital not being able to move which I expand to her I hed to go back to the hospital to get paperwork notarized ( understanding) then she made me call my insurance company for the VIN number which I later saw people coming in without providing proof. Then after I did all that she requested she made me wait for over a hour. While guys came and went to lunch. When asked about this I was told that they have to eat you know. Finally I asked for a manager and lucky for me Johnny stopped what he was doing and took the five minutes it took to remove the tag. I have done business with Walt's for a very long time. I worked with sinor Walt. I will continue to recommend you guys it's no fault of yours that I should have said Sir instead of mam

Larry Rogers

08/20/2024 13:08:40
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This place and the people in it are disguising. My little sisters car was towed she had no idea where it was and when she found out she immediately called to arrange to retrieve it. She was given a price of about $130. She asked if she could pick her car up when she got off work that evening. She was informed if it were that late in the evening there would be an additional fee so she decided to leave work right then and WALK to get her car to avoid additional charges. She also had to walk to an ATM because this shady business only accepts cash (which is illegal by the way, tow companies are required to accept multiple forms of payments). When she arrived, a little after 12pm she was told that she couldn’t get her car bc now there was an additional admin fee of about $300 because her car had now been there for 6 hours. She obviously wasn’t walking around with an additional $300 in cash on her so couldn’t get her car until the following day. When we arrived there was a lady, and I use that term very lightly she acted more like a feral animal, she was standing outside smoking a cigarette. After my sister paid she was told they were not allowed to leave the desk so she would have to wait however long it would take for another employee to make a police pick up run. Mind you there are at least 4 people in the office doing nothing at all. When my sister came out to share this information with me and two days of playing their stupid games I went inside to ask “how is it that you’re allowed to leave the desk to hang out in the front and smoke a cigarette but you’re not allowed to leave to help a costumer to their car?” The person who was smoking the cigarette then points her hand at me and yells “first of all…” I asked her to be respectful the same as I was being respectful. I’m not sure she knew what that word meant because she continued to yell and act like trash and yell for me to get out! At first I wanted to match her ignorance but as I looked at how disgusting she looked acting that way I decided to just walk away. My little sister came out after me and shared that the woman threatened to call the police. What exactly for, I’m not sure. The police should be called when there’s danger or threat of it. not so a weak person can feel empowered during an argument. I’m assuming this company must be struggling financially due to all the additional fees they try and add on just to make a buck (They literally have a sign up charging people $50 for making a U-Turn in their parking lot lol) so it’s not “if” but WHEN this place goes out of business I’m sure little Ms Cigarette Smokes attitude will be adjusted bc no LEGITIMATE business will ever hire someone who acts like that. A little friendly advice, maybe hang a few car fresheners or something, it smells funny in there :)

Bri Marxmiller

08/14/2024 23:15:44
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