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Auto Rescue JunkYard in Donna (TX)

Auto Rescue JunkYard in Donna (TX)

Address: 5816 North FM493, Donna, TX, United States
Phone: +1 956-461-3173
Services: Auto wrecker
Methods of Payment:
  • Accepted Credit cards
  • Accepted Debit cards
  • Not accepted Cash only
ZIP Code: 78537
Open Hours: Open 24 hours

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24/7 Available

Free Towing and Same-Day Pick-Up Available

We Are Junk Car Buyers With Over 30 years in the Industry, Working Since 1992

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Open 24hrs to Tow Vehicles Jesus is Lord! We Service Statewide Family Owned & Operated for 28 yrs & Counting 5 Locations in the Rio Grande Valley to better serve you Alamo TX Donna TX Mercedes TX La Feria TX Weslaco TX
SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE! Price Quote Guaranteed Guaranteed icon
USA Nationwide service
Top Dollar Paid
for Your Vehicle!

Working time & Location

Friday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours

Zip Codes

  • 78537

Nearest Junkyards to Auto Rescue

What clients say about Auto Rescue in Donna (TX)

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I picked up my car today after a week of jumping through hoops with these people and it WILL NOT START. They then told us to push it off their property (the car is off-site in another town). I had to pay someone more trustworthy to tow it again. It's also MISSING A PASSENGER SIDE MIRROR. My car was running perfectly fine and they wrote "poor condition" on the report. BAD BAD BUSINESS

Slim Ryan Fry

12/31/2024 04:38:02
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My car was in great working condition but when I got my car back it wasn't working at all. It's a 2011 chevy malibu. The engine it has its almost brand new. There shouldn't be any issues. And my mirror was broken as well with a scratch on the door.

Fernando Garza

12/31/2024 18:09:15
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This place shouldn't be in business... they advertise 24 hours service and 1hr notice before pickup and they don't follow the rules. County should take their contract away because the customer service socks. I had to call Donna PD to get the vehicle.

sarah leo “sarahleomua” mua

10/14/2023 19:48:13
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