Not only was this the absolute most discomforting experience I have ever had with a yard on two occasions, it was also the best example of incompetence I have ever experienced. First, I call and inquire about a transmission for my car, after further shopping I decide to purchase said transmission despite the lady's TERRIBLE attitude. When I go to pick the transmission up I was grilled from the start by a toothless stuttering "master mechanic" who informed me that any "Mis use" of the transmission would void the warranty. I install the transmission despite the certainty that I would soon be taking it back out since it looked as if it had literally fallen out of the previous vehicle. Fast forward (28) days on a Friday evening (I was thoroughly informed that they weren't open on the weekend.)I call to try and let them know that the transmission had failed like we all knew it would. They accuse me of "racing" my car and telling me that I wouldn't be covered under warranty. After many hang ups (on the lady's part) they agree to allow me to bring it in for their "inspection" , so I obliged. Come Monday I hear back from the all knowing mechanic/secretary that she had "inspected the transmission herself and noticed no signs of foul play", well, you don't say! So they replace it under warranty. Finally. So I pay to have another one installed (after zero reimbursement for the first install and removal few). Lo and behold transmission number two lasted three days :) I fought with the owners wife, obviously a master mechanic who informed me that "if I knew what I was doing and had installed it properly it wouldn't have happened" (it was installed by a gm dealership). All in all they were easily the worst, hands down business I have ever in my life encountered. Every juncture of the experience was terrible and I wouldn't recommend buying a candy bar from them on their best day. The lady who runs it is a miserable, miserable human being, and holds no credible ground for such a high pedestal that she places herself on.